갈릴리 공동체 계약 예배를 통해 하나님 앞에서 갈릴리 공동체 형제 자매들과 함께 약속한 계약의 내용을 성실하게 실천할 것을 서약합니다.
The LORD your God commands you this day to follow these decrees and laws; carefully observe them with all your heart and with all your soul. You have declared this day that the LORD is your God and that you will walk in his ways, that you will keep his decrees, commands and laws, and that you will obey him. And the LORD has declared this day that you are his people, his treasured possession as he promised, and that you are to keep all his commands. He has declared that he will set you in praise, fame and honor high above all the nations he has made and that you will be a people holy to the LORD your God, as he promised.
▷ Deuteronomy 26:16-19(NIV)

Yahwe God made us, who would die because of our sin, God s children by saving us through Jesus Christ in Gods providential history of salvation. In response to the calling of God, the Galilee community, who became Gods children by the calling of divine grace, confess our faith as follows: We confess: that Yahwe God is our father who created the universe, which belongs to Yahwe God: that therefore, what we have now, including our bodies and lives, are not ours but belonged to God: that we are only stewards of them which we possess temporarily: that believing Jesus Christ means confirming and revealing this faith. This faith are we confessing.
the relationship between God and us is essentially a covenantal relationship based on above confession. As confirmed in Israel community, this relationship must be always renewed within the spirit of covenantal contract between God and Galilee community to which we belong. Our communal contract can be completed only by Jesus Christ giving us a new commandment and becoming the guarantor of it.
the Lords day is the day when we affirm that not only ourselves but also what we have and the whole world belong to God. Therefore, a worship is infact an affirming ritual of the covenant. As Israel community s keeping the Sabbath holy with the burnt offerings and peace offerings means reaffirming the covenant between God and Israel and fulfilling their contract, nowadays, keeping the Lord s day according to Gods will and worshiping God are the re-realization of the faith-community s reaffirmation of the covenental relationship before God. As Israelites affirmed that the earth belongs to God by returning it, which they received from Yahwe God, to God, the original owner, the Lords day is the 요 of affirming the fact that all things of the world and all we have, as well as ourselves, belong to God. Therefore, the affirming ritual of the covenant is the worship. The Lords day is the day when we, called by God as Gods children, gather and affirm again that we are the members of the covenental community as brothers and sisters who are dispersed over the world through worship and holy communion. The Lords day is the true Sabbath for the human being liberating us from the heavy burden of life in this endless competing world which makes us despair, is the day that the true rest reaches to everybody all over the world. In the holy Lords day, our church as the covenental community should repent our failure in fulfilling the responsibility for the covenant and and should renew the covenant with God under the divine grace of forgiveness.
offering is the confessing act of faith for our understaning that all things of the world belongs to God. Offering is not giving God the part of what we have but confessing that all we have is Gods belongings. It is the symbolic act signifying returning to God, the original owner, all of those. We should remember that, for Israel community, tithes based on equal distribution was used not only for Levites but also for widows and orphans.
the Yahwe God who created the world gave it to all of Gods children and blessed it in order for them to use it equally for all the people. God still wants the will and order of creation to be realized. Therefore, any kind of worldly systems or practices that break the equal order cannot be accepted. Thereupon, the old Israel covenantal community totally prohibited the oppression against the weak and collecting interest, endeavored to realize and maintain the equal order by practicing the sabbatical year and the Jubilee. Today, Gods will above mentioned is continuously inherited in our church as the new covenental community. The realization of this will in our lives indicates the history of salvation and our future assignment for mission. This is the very contents of what God wants God wants to make a covenant with us as well as of what we believe in. Nevertheless, we should firstly repent that we have not conceived our responsibilities as a contracting party with God. Now, we testify to live as the covenental party before God by changing our lives in reflection to the renewed covenant contracted through Jesus Christ and based on that of ancient Israelites, reminding the concrete convenental acts to actualize in our everyday life as sincere members of convenental community.
We testift that we will alwats live in remembrance of Gods saving grace and the contract between God and us, that we will live holy life by praising and thanking God in every day life by practicing as follows:
- We will praise Gods love and grace and give thanks in all circumstances.
- We will put God at the first priority of our lives in any circumstances.
- We will practice prayer, bible readings, and social services by reserving certain time.
- We will be model Christians by accomplishing our own social responsibilities and roles with sincerity.
We will witness our position as covenant party by remembering and keeping the Lords day holy, let it be proclaimed and kept as the day of liberation, the day of resting by refusing competitive life style by ourselves and our neighbors. To accomplish this goal, we promise to practice followings:
- We will retreat from excessive social activities but try to have enough rest for our renewed and just lives.
- We will strive for the expansion of the Christian church.
We will recognize the significance of the Galilee community and put the roots of our life in this community as those who contracted with God. We will realize love by overcoming family-egoism and individualism through the joy and hope of communal life. To accomplish this goal, we promise to practice followings:
  • - We will share the joy and grief of the Galilee community.
  • - We will strive to real to realize a loving community of serving, sharing, and living together.
  • - We, as brothers and sisters, will practice and actualize the life of Gods kingdom and do our best to overcome the male/female inequality in our families, church, and society and the discrimination according to ones native place.
We will rightfully educate the children of the community, who are the gifts from God, to lead to faith with subjective personality and healthy value in their perspective by practicing as follows:
  • - We will raise our children with faith and let them participate in the Sunday school and church activities.
    Sunday school and church activities.
  • - We will help our children to live rightly in faith by providing them guardians of faith.
  • - We will do our best in order to reform the problematic social phenomena, 
    resulted from the extreme desire of education for children and the overprotection of them.
  • - We will actively involve in a movement that pursues to improve the educational system by changing its wrongful system and structure.
We will practice our offering according to our faithful decisions, not formative and calculative ones in the light of true meaning of offering, and live austere life by conserving and possessing only what we need in every sphere of our life as the action of confessing that everything is belong to God, and as the concrete practice to share our possessions with our neighbors in need and to accomplish equal social order. To accomplish this goal, we promise to practice followings:
  • - We will offer sincerely Without shame before God.
  • - We will strive to live in austerity and to avoid putting our hearts in over-consumptive life and the accumulation of wealth
    by not possessing unnecessarily large house and car, buying foreign products, etc.
We will strive not to commit any activity that destroys Gods equal creative order, results inequality, moreover, to participate in a movement for transformation of the system from the unequal one to the equal one, to let the members of the church community to participate in the movement, and we pledge to appropriate the fifty percent of the church budget for social mission.
To accomplish this goal, we promise to practice followings:
  • - We will voluntarily participate in the mission activities that will work for the removal of social prejudices and discrimination against the disabled and for the improvement of welfare system.
  • - We will voluntarily participate in the mission and serving activities that share the lives of alien workers who are wondering foreign countries, suffering from poor economic condition and dehumanizing racism, that lead us to devote ourselves to the protection of their rights.
  • - We will fully support the foreign mission for the assistance of poor brothers and sisters of neighboring countries.
  • - We will actively support the regional social mission and the activities of services including Children s House oimgf Hope program.
  • - We will adequately support the labor movement for the protection of rights of poor workers and the restoration of equal order.
We will endeavor to protect and sustain nature created by God so that everybody can live in the healthy environment.
To accomplish this goal, we promise to practice followings:
  • - We will actively support the mission activities for the protection of the environment.
  • - We will actively participate in the cooperative association of life movement for the protection of the created order.
  • - We will strive to reduce waste and to avoid using products that destroy the environment.
  • - We will do our best to use public transportation as far as possible.
We believe and hope that our lives belong to God, that there is life not only in this world but also in the eternal world, thus will prepare always to leave this world happily whenever God calls us. We will prepare to leave the relationship with people and material, which were given by God, in a beautiful and rightful and rightful manner.
To accomplish this goal, we promise to practice followings:
  • - We will try to donate body parts.
  • - We will make efforts to prepare written wills in advance.
We hereby sincerely swear that we will do our best to realize the contents of the above contract that we promiser to keep with brothers and sisters of the Galilee community before God.